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=1. Throwing a ball in a football match - this would be a concentric contraction because when bringing the ball behind the head your biceps do the concentric contraction. This is because the two ends of the bicep come closer to each other when doing the action. == ==2. pomallhorses in gymnastic - this is a isometric contraction because the biceps and triceps when doing this the ends of the muscle do not come closer of get further away form each other they stay the same. == ==3. Kicking a ball in Rugby - this is an concentric contraction because the ends of the hamstring get further away when doing this action therefore it is a concentric contractions.== ==4. Sit ups - when doing sit ups your abdominals get closer when you sit up form the floor there for this is a concentric contraction.=

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1mo ago
  1. Isometric contraction: Holding a static yoga pose.
  2. Concentric contraction: Lifting a weight in a bicep curl.
  3. Eccentric contraction: Lowering a weight in a deadlift.
  4. Isotonic contraction: Running or cycling at a steady pace.
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Q: Examples of different types of muscular contraction relating to four types of physical activity?
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Give examples of different types of muscular contraction relating to four different types of physical activity?

Isometric contractions are static contractions during which muscle fibres do not change length. There is no movement of the joint to which the muscle is attached but energy is expended resisting a force that does not move. for example when you put your hands up for a long time.

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Glucose is used for energy in anaerobic systems related to muscular contraction.

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isometric contraction

Which type of muscular contraction is defined as a contraction which moves against a constant resistance?

isometric contraction

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Muscular strength refers to the maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert in one singular contraction. We use muscular strength in the following examples: picking up a heavy object and pushing a piece of furniture. Or, lifting weights.

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Muscular Endurance is different from muscular strength. Muscular strength is when you have the ability to push weight and so on. Endurance is when you can endure a certain physical activity for a long period of time.

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What are different types of contraction in sport?

The different types of contraction in sport is; Concentric Eccentric you also have to include; joint action e.g. Extension / flexion the agonist / agonistic muscle pairs e.g. hamstrings, quadriceps, biceps, triceps ect. & the joint itself e.g. knee, elbow, shoulder,

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