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I don't think so; too much sugar can cause anxiety attacks.

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Sugars are sources of energy; I consider that the influence is on the resistance to effort.

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Q: Could a sugar rush make you faster?
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What happens after you have a sugar rush?

If you are having a sugar rush, and feel that you are going to be really/extremely sick go to the ER ASAP. Remember that there might be people more ill than you are, so if you feel it isn't needed don't go! People might be dying and you could save a life by not going and waisting the hospitals time.

Can chemical changes happen at different speeds?

yes if you are going very fast an adrenaline rush could happen that's when your body pumps a energy through your body and it gives you almost super strength makes you fun faster and it fells phenomenal. so to answer your questing; yes.

What are the symptoms of a sugar rush?

1.Pupils dialate. 2.You get really loopy and giggley. 3.You say things you don't mean. 4.You yell at objects. 5.Then after that's done you forget everything! 6.You feel dizzy. 7.You have different moods for no reason.

Who dug for the gold in the California Gold Rush?

The gold in the California Gold Rush was dug by a diverse group of people, including miners from the east coast of the United States, immigrants from around the world (such as China and Europe), and Native Americans. Everyone from individuals to large mining companies participated in the search for gold during this period.

If a drop of ink and a drop of honey are place in water which spreads faster?

Oh, dude, like, the drop of ink will totally spread faster because ink is all like, "I'm in a hurry to get everywhere," while honey is just chillin' like, "I'll get there eventually, no rush." So, yeah, ink for the win in the speedy spreading competition in water.

Related questions

Can sugar affect ones behavior?

yes because you could get sugar rush

Does drinking too much soda make you shake?

You get a sugar rush for a few minutes, then you get a sugar crash. It also possibly could be from the caffeine.

When was Sugar Rush created?

Sugar Rush was created in 2004.

What is the ISBN of Sugar Rush?

The ISBN of Sugar Rush is 0-330-41583-2.

When was Sugar Rush - album - created?

Sugar Rush - album - was created on 2011-09-27.

What happens when you eats too much sugar?

When we eat too much sugar blood glucose level increase which in long term can lead to Diabetes which is symptomize by high blood pressure. You could also get a sugar rush.

What are the ratings and certificates for Sugar Rush - 2005 II?

Sugar Rush - 2005 II is rated/received certificates of: USA:G

Where can you play sugar rush?

Litwaks arcade

What is the code for the sugar rush?

king candy

What do i do when my sister has a sugar rush?

Let her crash

How did the war with Mexico make the the gold rush possible?

It allowed the acquisition of California. Without California, no gold-rush could have happened.

What are the release dates for 1st Look - 2008 Sugar Rush?

1st Look - 2008 Sugar Rush was released on: USA: 8 December 2012