Yes, you can use millimeters to measure a Baseball field, but it would not be a practical unit of measurement due to the large size of the field. A more common unit like meters or feet would be more suitable for measuring the dimensions of a baseball field.
I used millimeters (mm) as the standard unit of length to measure the paperclip.
You may use millimeters.
Use units of millimeters, meters, or kilometers.
I would use inches or centimeters, or millimeters to measure this.
A metric ruler is the most common device used to measure millimeters.
you use centemeters
Use a tape measure or ruler that has millimetre graduation marks.
I used millimeters (mm) as the standard unit of length to measure the paperclip.
centermeters or inches or millimeters
I would use millimeter.......Because a butterfly is so small and we can measure it's wings by using millimeters.
To measure very small volumes.
centimeters or millimeters
You may use millimeters.