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when i was a little boy me and my gramma were minding our own buisness Brad

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Native North Americans.

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Q: Who was the first person to play lacrosse?
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What is a origin of lacrosse?

The Native Americans were the first to play the sport of lacrosse.

Who was the first African American to play pro lacrosse?

A. Reggin

Who won the first lacrosse game?

Native American tribes were the first to play.

Why did the Iroquois play Lacrosse?

The game of lacrosse was first used as a war game to settle disputes between tribes

What did they use to play lacrosse?

To play girls lacrosse, you need lacrosse goggles,a girl's lacrosse stick, and a mouthguard.

How do you play division 2 lacrosse?

With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball

What games did the cheyennes play'?


What do lacrosse players play with?

a lacrosse stick.

First sport in the US?

It is believed that the Native Americans used to play LACROSSE.

What were the first sports?

Lacrosse one of the first sports. The Native Americans used to play with a human head instead of a lacrosse ball. The winners of the game were honored by being killed as a sacrifice.

Who was the founder of lacrosse?

Lacrosse is a native origin game, it was played to train for war,moarn a death, or honor a god. Lacrosse was first seen and documented by a french soldier who called it lacrosse because of them using sticks. The first person to make a club and might as well be the father of lacrosse was Dr. William George Beers.

Should women be allowe to play mens lacrosse?

No that is what Women's lacrosse is for as a 5 year lacrosse player I do not suggest women play men's lacrosse. it's called men's lacrosse for a reason. Women's lacrosse isn't for men neither should men's be for women. Lacrosse is an extremely dangerous sport women should play with women.