Um, Marcus Rivers is a fictional character... Go figure.
Doc Rivers is 49 years old (birthdate: October 13, 1961).
No. Doc Rivers split his career between the Atlanta Hawks, LA Clippers, New York Knicks and San Antonio Spurs.Atlanta Hawks - 1983/84-1990/91LA Clippers - 1991/92New York Knicks - 1992/93-1994/95San Antonio Spurs - 1994/95-1995/96
doc rivers played with the celtics
doc rivers
Artie Green
Rivers was given his nickname from then-Marquette assistant coach Rick Majerus. Rivers attended a summer basketball camp wearing "Dr. J" T-shirt. Majerus immediately called him "Doc" and the players at camp followed suit. The name stuck ever since. (the answer was taken from "doc rivers" page on wikipedia)
Glenn Rivers, who played basketball at Marquette University from 1980 to 1983, played under two coaches -- Hank Raymonds and Rick Majerus. It was Majerus who gave him the nickname "Doc" because Rivers showed up at a summer basketball camp wearing a Julius "Dr. J" Erving T-shirt.
yes doc rivers is austin rivers father.
Doc Rivers was born on October 13, 1961.
Doc Rivers was born on October 13, 1961.
baby doc
Doc rivers email address or address at celtics
Doc Rivers played with many teams. First 7 seasons with the Atlanta Hawks, 1 year with the Clippers, 2 with the Knicks and then he finished his career off in San Antonio.