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DOWNPOUR AT K-ROCK It never rains but it pours. Classic rock station K-Rock had to cope with a big drop in its reported spring listenership. Now morning show veteran Steve Zimmerman is gonzo-alonzo. Station manager Randy Lemay isn't saying too much, other than the departure is not ratings-related, and that the morning show will be going "in a different direction." Our spies say a personality conflict between Steve and co-hosts Bill Cowen and Jim Jerome (who replaced Terry Evans last summer) has caused the split. To my mind, Zimmerman is still one of the funniest guys on Edmonton radio. Would Evans - who resigned for personal reasons last summer - return to the business? Terry says he's perfectly happy with his new life as a truck owner/operator. I don't know. You can take the boy out of radio. Can you take the radio out of the boy? This was an article in the May 21, 2007 Edition of the Edmonton Sun written by Graham Hicks Don't know if the above is true, but both Terry and Steve sure are missed by their adoring fans! Radio in Edmonton hasn't been the same since they left. Hope to hear them together again on the radio. They had the best morning show.

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Q: Where did Terry Evans from K-97 in Edmonton go?
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Where did Steve Zimmerman from K-97 in Edmonton go?

I'll be he was pushed out of the show. Just like Terry Evans was. It seems K-Rock doesn't have any direction any more. Is there a decent morning show in Edmonton? Actually, Terry Evans still hosts the morning show, he was never "pushed off". Bill and Steve are back on the morning show with Terry now. They rejoined the show about a month ago, after an absence.

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