Elvis Presleys brothers name was Jessie Garon Presley.
Elvis Presleys father is Obadya Jeramiah Presley the Third :] -K&E
Elvis Presley did not have a tatoo on his body.
On the back of a "Flat bottomed Truck".Still today no one knows who was driving either.
i would wear anything i want its up to you
Elvis Presleys brothers name was Jessie Garon Presley.
Elvis Presleys father is Obadya Jeramiah Presley the Third :] -K&E
Elvis Presley did not write music
Elvis Presley did not have a tatoo on his body.
On the back of a "Flat bottomed Truck".Still today no one knows who was driving either.
Very ;)
- Graceland -
American trilogy
Memphis Tenn.
Elvis' jumpsuit sold for about $120,000.