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Q: What music did Torvil and Dean use in 1984 Olympics?
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In which year did torvil and dean win gold at the winter Olympics with their bolero?

In 1984 at Saravejo

Which British ice dancing couple won gold in 1984 winter Olympics?

Jayne Torvil and Christopher Dean

How did torvell and dean become famous?

Torvill and Dean became famous at the 1984 Olympics. They won the gold medal and went pro.

Where were the winter Olympics held when torvill and dean won with Bolero?

Sarajevo, the 1984 Winter Games.

Who is Janye Torville?

Jayne Torville won a gold medal with Christopher Dean at the 1984 winter Olympics.

Who skated to victory in ravels bolero?

(Jayne) Torvill and (Christopher) Dean in the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo, representing Great Britain

Who helped Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean learn dance steps for their routine at the 1984 Olympics?

Graeme Murphy pch: Michael Crawford

What competitions has Dean Lukin compete in?

Dean Lukin won Gold Medals for weightlifting in the Superheavyweight division at the Commonwealth Games in Brisbane in 1982,the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles and the Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh in 1986.He represented Australia.

How many times has Zara Phillips been to the Olympics?

Torvill competed in three Olympics, the 1980 Games in Lake Placid, the 1984 Games in Sarajevo and the 1994 Games in Lillehammer, in Ice Dancing with partner Christopher Dean. They placed 5th in 1980, and won gold in 1984 and bronze in 1994.

History of pairs figure skating in the Olympics?

Well I know that Torville and Dean won it in 1984 with maximum points and that figure skating has been part of the Olympics since 1924. Sorry I don't know much but I hope that it helped you.

When did Hazen A. Dean die?

Hazen A. Dean died in 1984.

When was Dean Brownlie born?

Dean Brownlie was born in 1984.