Jeff Queen and Travis Barker are a few Jeff Queen and Travis Barker are a few
Spelling and meaning: * handle is something attached to a pot or similar object used for moving same * Handel is the last name of a famous classical music composer.
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Latin America is famous for one major object; Gangster Thugs!
Latin America is famous for one major object; Gangster Thugs!
For finding the volume of an object by immersing into water and noticing that the water displaced was equal to the volume of the object.
It was the first artificial object to Orbit the Earth
the object is a moon named titan. it is one of the most famous moon it is one of Saturn moons
The Rosetta stone.
The room where Marie Antoinette was held prisoner...
because Neal Armstrong wanted to be famous
CNN's most famous station ID is a five-second musical jingle with James Earl Jones' simple but classic line, "This is CNN." Jones' voice can still be heard today in updated station IDs