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No less than 30 pounds at or before full draw

Ref: Minnesota Hunting and Trapping Regulation Handbook 2009

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Q: What is the legal bow draw weight for deer hunting in MN?
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What is the legal draw weight for hunting in NH?

There technically is not a required weight, however it is recommended that to have a compound bow set to at least 30-35lbs. It all depends on the placement of the arrow in the deer or animal. If you place an arrow in the lungs or heart of a deer, shooting it with a draw weight of 35lbs, it will most likely kill the deer.

What is the legal deer bow draw weight in Arizona?

40 lbs

What is the legal bow draw weight to hunt deer in SC? No restrictions on draw weight in SC.

How much draw weight is legal for hunting in Ohio?

Anywhere between 40 and 200 pounds.

What is the legal bow draw weight to hunt deer in South Carolina?

Must be at least 30 lbs.

What is the legal bow draw weight?

It is the amount of preasure needed to pull the strig back.

What is the best type of bow for deer hunting?

PSE Nova compound bow is high on the list of most deer hunters. The most important thing is to determine the draw and weight you need for your size and strength.

What is the draw weight needed to kill a deer?

the average Draw weight for deer, turcky and hog is between 60 and 70 lb

What is the legal bow draw weight for deer hunting in Texas?

It's 35 ponds. From the PA hunting regs:Archery deer season.(1) Permitted devices. It is lawful to hunt deer during the archery deer season with any of the following devices:(i) A bow and arrow. A bow must have a peak draw weight of at least 35 pounds.

What is the lowest draw weight that will kill a deer?

The lowest draw weight on a bow, that I've heard of is about 55 pounds. But I've heard of people killing deer with a little less.

Can a 35lb draw bow kill a deer?

Yes, a 35 lb. draw weight can kill a deer, you just need to be at a minimum range of 10-20 yards and a maximum range of 30-35 yards in order for the shot to be deadly. My gym teacher's friend he met competition shooting a long time ago once hunted every legal game animal in North America on nothing but a 35 lb. draw weight, so it is possible, Just aim carefully and be far enough away. Happy hunting to you!

How far can you kill a deer with a 30 pound draw weight?

15-20 yards if it is a good shot