The average price of a Bruce Springsteen concert ticket varies depending on city and venue. All cities and states are different and have different economies.
The average price for Marilyn Manson tickets ranges from $70 to $150. Depending on where you want to sit and where you purchase the ticket will determine the exact cost of your ticket.
How much does an open container ticket cost? This ticket was given by a state park warden How much does an open container ticket cost? This ticket was given by a state park warden
On average, Jonas Brothers tickets can cost about $300. A front-row ticket for the concert in Cleveland, Ohio, costs about $695-$1010.
an average basketball ticket for the NBA (national basketball association) is about $50. Of couse if you are front row they could be anywhere betewwn 100 to 300$, according to the team playing.
About $180 at the MOST!
how much it cost for a roundtrip bus ticket ffrom suffern, ny to ithaca, ny
The cost is around $1,200/ticket roundtrip. (but it is hard to tell because you didn't say where in Florida or where in China)
The average price of a movie ticket in 1976 was $2.13.
It depends on what class being flown, and from where you are flying. It is considerably more to fly to Copenhagen from Sydney Australia than from London for example.
The price for a movie ticket in 1975 was between $2 and $2.50. It just depended on the location of the movie theater. Those in big cities charged a little more.
The average cost of a speeding ticket in the Fresno, CA area is about $215. That average is about the same statewide.
The average price of a movie ticket in 1984 was $3.36.
The average price of a movie ticket in 2007 was $6.88.
The average price of a movie ticket in 1991 was $4.21.
The average price of a movie ticket in the year 1935 was 24 cents. The average cost of a movie ticket today in 2014 is 8 dollars.
The average price of a movie ticket in 1929 was 35 cents.