Michael Jordan is known for his great ability to play Basketball. he played in only 2 teams in his whole career Chicago buls and the Washington Wizards. he played in both teams as the number 23.
Michael Jordan is a famous basketball player known for his participation with the Chicago Bulls. He is also known for golfing and a minor acting career.
No they are not related.
Michael Jordan's middle name is Jeffrey , which is also his son's name.
Michael Jordan's signature number is 23.
Michael Jordan Michael c hall Michael Jackson Michael Douglas Michael buble Michael phelps Michael cera
playing basketball
The Washington Bullets is now known as the Washington Wizards. Michael Jordan played with the team while it was known as the Bullets from 2001 to 2003.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jeffrey Jordan
Michael Jordan is a famous Basketball player known for his participation with the Chicago Bulls. He is also known for golfing and a minor acting career.
Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963
Michael Jordan lives what could be called a extravagant lifestyle. He has been known to gamble large sums of money on golf shots and hands of cards.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan
no. Michael Jordan is on 2k3
Michael Jordan's career field goal percentage is .497 and Kobe Bryant's is .455 .
The legend of Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan was number 23.