The word is nock. The nock (noun) is the notch in the end of an arrow. To nock (verb) means to place an arrow on the bowstringinpreparation for shooting.
aaaa bga bag agga this is not true i made it up lol
a pointed stick shot from a bow
That is how you attach an arrow to the bow.
the end of the arrow with the nock
Couche (pronounced Coosh) Bag
A bread bag A wrapper And if it is a solid bag, a bread bin.'s just a bag ,but you can call it a art bag if you want to.
an inverted kiteIf it is a quadrilateral then an arrowhead. Otherwise simply call it arrow-shaped.
its the point
you call it a waist pouch
Her udder.
U press up arrow on remote then again to dial use arrow keys
A fletcher. Arrow makers are called "Fletchers", and that is also where the last name came from. In spanish an arrow it's called "Flecha", In resemblance of it's name un English.
We call it sabritas and everyone seems to know its some kind of chip bag.