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In 1976, I worked at Olympia Stadium and attended college at EMU in Ypsilanti. On that day in 1976, I was driving home from college, going right by Olympia that night, was not scheduled to work, but decided to do the 'old go in early and pretend like I'm working and get in free' as all the guys at the door knew who I was.... I put on a work shirt and sat side stage (best seats in the house that night) and watched Paul & Linda (Wings) band. On a whim, I decided to get a decal, go back stage and give it as a gift hoping to get a chance to meet Paul and it worked! I had no idea that it had become so popular with fans and the guitar company was now selling the 'special edition' Paul guitar with decal until just recently and no one knew how it all started....LOL...yep, it was me using my 'imagination' to get a chance to meet one of The Beatles! What can I say? College kid giving it the old college try...and it worked!!! Mike Kudzia

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Q: Jenny Wren redwings logo on paul McCartney guitar?
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Why is the Detroit Red Wings logo in the Jenny Wren video? McCartney's had the Detroit Red Wings logo on that guitar (the original guitar from the Ed Sullivan Show performance!) since the 70's. He fell in love with the logo when he fronted the band "Wings".

How tall is Jenny Wren?

Jenny Wren is 5' 4".

What female birds are called Jenny?

A Wren (assumed female) is often called Jenny Wren.

What kind of animal is a jenny?

A female Wren (bird living in Europe) is a 'jenny' 2. the female of certain animals or birds, esp a donkey, ass, or wren

What does a jenny wren eat?

bugs larva dragonflies

What is a female wren called?

A female pigeon is called a hen.

What is a male jenny called?

A male donkey is called a jack. The term "jenny" specifically refers to a female donkey.

What is 'a jenny' used for?

The phrase 'a jenny' is used as a name for:a female bird ora female donkeyTherefore, 'a jenny' referring to a female donkey, would be used to carry a person or belongings.But wait, there's more....A 'Jenny' is also a nickname for a WWI-era biplane, and also for a 'Genoa jib sail'!See the related link listed below for even moreinformation:

What are some nicknames for Jennifer?

AnswerThe first that springs to mind is Jenny.Jenny is often elongated to Jenny Wren in the UKA Jenny wren is actually a small song bird, correct name is the Wren.Jenny, Jen, Jensta, Jenna, Ifer, Jenno, Jenna, J, JenJennyJenJenJen, Jenjen, JenniJenno(thats what my friends call me lol)and here is a cool way to spell Jennifer: Jenni4

How many types of Wren's are in the US?

There are about 10 species of wrens found in the United States. These include the Carolina Wren, House Wren, Bewick's Wren, Canyon Wren, Marsh Wren, Sedge Wren, and more. Each species can be recognized by its unique characteristics and range.

Is a wren a big bird?

No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.No. A wren is a very small bird.

Where is the Wren Branch in Wren located?

The address of the Wren Branch is: 101 Washington St, Wren, 45899 0049