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The best way to determine actual value is to search the on-line auctions, such as and or even enter your details in the search and see what is selling and for how much. You can also search the archives and or sold items to get an idea of what your gun is selling for. Another place to look is The blue book of modern black powder values, available from and as well as many of the other hunting and firearm stores. That will give you an idea of the general value. Guns tend to have some regional value too, say a Thompson Center Seneca may be worth a bit more in the north east than in the mid west,and a Ruger old army may sell higher in the northwest than the east coast. Don't forget condition has allot to do with value, so compare apples to apples.

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Q: How much are Connecticut firearms black powder guns?
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Related questions

What states do not recognize black powder guns are not firearms?

It is FEDERAL Law that classifies black powder weapons as firearms. . . and therefore, prohibited to convicted felons.

What can gunpowder be used for?

gunpowder can be used for guns and fireworks

What is the origin for the idiom to keep one's powder dry?

The origin is in firearms. Old guns used black powder instead of cartridges, and if you let your powder get wet, your gun would not fire.

Are there any guns you do not need a permit or license for?

It depends on what you mean. In most U.S. states you do not need a permit to own regular handguns, shotguns, rifles, or black powder guns. In fact, you actually don't need a permit to own any firearms, but some firearms (such as machine guns and short barrel guns) require registration.

Is there gun powder in guns?

Guns themselves don't contain any gunpowder, although, in muzzle loading firearms, the powder is loaded into the barrel, at which point, it could be said the gun does contain gunpowder. In firearms which use cartridges, it is the cartridge which contains the gunpowder.

Requirements purchase or own or conceal black powder guns?

Depends on where you aer located- different laws in different places. In MOST of the US, muzzle loading black powder firearms are not considered firearms under law- they are antiques- no matter when made- and the only requirement is that you be an adult. However, you need to check the laws where YOU live- and you did not tell us that.

Is a ffl needed to ship a blackpowder rifle to Virginia?

Blackpowder guns are exempt from the Gun Control Act of 1963. This is the law that requires a Federal Firearms License (FFL) to send guns by mail. So, no. You don't need FFL to mail black powder guns.

Do you need a pistol permit in NYS for a black powder pistol?

In New York State, black powder pistols are considered firearms and require a permit to possess and carry, just like other firearms. The process for obtaining a permit for a black powder pistol is similar to that for other firearms.

How does black powder compare to smokeless powder in power?

Black powder is much weaker than smokeless powder. Smokeless powder, for this reason, once invented(much after black powder), replaced black powder in guns. However, black powder is still used in fireworks because the extreme explosive power of smokeless powder would prove too dangerous in fireworks.

Do you need a permit for a black powder pistol in IN?

Yes, Black powder guns are extremley dangerous a licence is definitely needed

Are they stopping production of 45 cal black powder guns?


What is the state law owning a black powder gun in Missouri if you are a convicted felon?

State law has nothing to do with it. It is a FEDERAL offense for a convicted felon to own or possess a firearm or ammunition of ANY type, ANY where, for ANY reason. (US Code, Title 18). It is not a FEDERAL offense to own BLACK POWDER pistols or rifles, if you are a felon. They are NOT considered FIREARMS as long as they represent such guns manufactured prior to early 1900, are muzzle loaders, cap and ball, flintlock, known as percussion guns. A replica such as a Colt 1851/1858 .44 cal revolver, cap and ball, black powder gun is NOT considered a FIREARM. None of the black powder guns, either pistol or rifle are considered FIREARMS. per code of federal regulations , and the ATF. Even a Federal Felon, can own a black powder gun, in most States. Even though the respective State is in error if they deny a Felon the right to own and shoot a BLACK POWDER gun, most felons challenging the States decision to deny, will find a long and expensive court battle. There are less than a half dozen States that do not recognize the Federal Law view that black powder guns are NOT FIREARMS. So if you are a felon, don't be in one of those States if you intend on owning a black powder rifle or pistol. Mail order,buy at a gun show or private individual, and have some fun shooting black powder.