About 300 meters to 500 meters a crossbow can shoot. Also our ancestors were and are stronger then use. If we challenged them with laser or any other automatic gun weapon they would destroy use.
the crossbow looked like a you know like a piercing weapon that could harm an animal and was used for hunting. Also it had a bow cocked up in a trigger
the difference between a 2117 crossbow bolt and a 2216 crossbow is 99
A arrow/bolt that is made to fit the crossbow.
Do i need a gun card for a crossbow in il.
There are 3D targets that are specifically build and designed to take hits from a crossbow.
Crossbows were powerful and accurate but took a long time to re-load. A good archer could fire 6-8 arrows while a crossbow was re-loaded.
the longbow has a longer range, and a better rate of fire. the bow was easy to disassemble, so the bowstring could be taken off in the rain, to protect it. the crossbow was more powerful, but fired a heaver bolt, meaning there was less range. it was susceptible to failure in the rain, as the string could not be easily removed, and it took a lot more effort to prepare it for fire, by winching the bowstring onto its trigger after each shot. However, the crossbow also could be learnt far quicker and easier than the longbow, which took years of training and constant practice to be good with - which meant that while the crossbow itself was more complex to make, its use was cheaper for training soldiers.
Depends on the size of the fire. I will park as far away as I could.
Cock a crossbow while on safety. That way you won't accidentally release it while placing the bolt.
60 miles
To safely uncock a crossbow, point the loaded crossbow at the ground (soil is safer that concrete). Remove the bolt. Firing the unloaded crossbow is probably the easiest method to uncock as the pressure could be quite powerful.
Crossbows can only fire bolts, not regular arrows.
fire bolts and boltcutters simply perfffffect
I don't think a crossbow can actually fire a missle
In the 13th century, the crossbow was created. A footsoldier could use the crossbow to penetrate a knight's armor. Therefore the crossbow was the most reasonable strategy of attack if you were to deal with a knight.
A longbow was much lighter than a crossbow and provided a better rate of fire.
In the 13th century, the crossbow was created. A footsoldier could use the crossbow to penetrate a knight's armor. Therefore the crossbow was the most reasonable strategy of attack if you were to deal with a knight.