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Caution : these should only be constructed and used under adult supervision

Hobby Bow

Needed Items :

a garden cane,

a length of string (depending on how long your cane is)

a hacksaw and metal snips

some cardboard

a drink can


  1. With your hacksaw make slits in each end of the cane (about 1 cm in length)
  2. Slot one end of the string in one of the slits and wrap it round the end of the cane (remember to leave enough string to tie a knot).
  3. Do the same with the other side remember to pull tight so that you can launch arrows


  1. Take a small length of cane (different from your bow)
  2. Cut a triangle out of a drink can with metal snips
  3. Wrap the triangle around the end of the cane to make the point.
  4. Cut out four cardboard triangles and stick them to the other end of the arrow.
  5. Make a slit in the tail end of the arrow so that it can fit onto your bow.

Working Bow


1 long piece of flexible but strong wood (tree branch or yew plank)

2 to 10 straight, tough, thick branches for arrows (30cm-45cm long)

A length of tough string or flexi-cord

Sanding paper

Coal or wood campfire



First heat the length of bow wood over the fire

Then sand it down making sure impurities and bark is all off

Cut 2 slits at both ends of the bow staff(1-2.5cm)

Find somewhere to rest the staff in a bending position to allow it to shape (a tree that can hold it and some weighty stuff on each end to hold it down).

The object is to slightly curve the bow so that it bends the way you want.

Now sand and straighten the arrows and use knife to sharpen ends, or make your own sharp ends from materials available to you.

Leave the bow to shape for a few days, then test stretch it to see if it gets more than 30 lbs of draw.

Survival Bow:

You start by finding five sticks or branches cut to the same length (which should be roughly from the ground to your chin) and as straight as possible. Use friction by rubbing the stick in the warped areas to bend them to be as straight as possible. The circumference should be roughly the same as the widest part of your thumb. Next you're going to cut four of the five sticks to be about five inches shorter than the fifth, and notch the longest stick at both ends for the bow string. Then you take the longest stick and surround it with the other four (So the longest stick is in the center with the four shorter sticks around it)

Tie very tightly together in the center and at both ends with what ever cordage you have handy (It should be tied in three places when you're done). Voila, you have a bow. Please note you will have to stress the bow; that is to say you have to put your bow string on so the bow bends slightly and hold for about 20 minutes and repeat. Pull a little further till you get about 24 inches of pull without breaking the bow. Do this slow and easy or you will find yourself making a new bow.


Number of Arrows: Start 20 potential arrows. You will probably end up with 5 or 6 good arrows.

Wood: Any straight sapling, shoot, or sucker without branches or knots. They should be between 24 to 30 inches long and between 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter. Shorter arrows remain straighter, fly better, and don't break as easily. Remove the bark. Tie all the arrows together into a bunch to help to preserve their straightness. Cure the arrows for one to ten days (but not in the sun) and hand straighten each day as necessary.

Point: Whittle the narrow end of the arrow to a point. Harden the point of a green arrow by charring it over the hot coals from a campfire.

String Notch: Notch the thick end of the arrow for the bow string. Wrap twine around the notch end to strengthen it and to prevent it from splitting.

Practice: Shoot each arrow at a very soft target (a pile of leaves or a pile of some very loose dirt). Keep the arrows that fly straight on a regular basis. Discard the unpredictable arrows.

Feathers: slice a line in the bottom side on four sides. Cut a feather in half and slide it into the slit you made.

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11y ago
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12y ago

Use toothpicks. Tape two toghher then tape two more. Or use hot glue. Then put a rubber band in between the two toothpicks of the t cross, use another toothpick for ammo. Feel free to shoot your sister if you have one.

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14y ago

You get two sticks like wood ones and you know like um um um like and like spray paint and i don't know spray it with newspaper and make the arrow out of um um omg!favorite movie is on! omg! I will be back people oh yeah.

...................i am back yeah um it turned out it was like um like um um um um a um fake and like yeah so as i was like um saying you make a clay not um anything else but um um um clay and also um if u want the um bow u need to um like um you know just get a string and do what ever um pops up in um um like Ur mind

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14y ago

first cut some 5 sheets of cardboard in the shape of a bow then stick them together and leave it aside till it is dry then take some straws and make them straight stick 3 straws together one below the another and keep some small sticks in it so that it is sturtdy and keep it aside till it become dry tie a string to the bow and take some paper and rap it to the bow and stick some tape and take paints and colour it then go to arrow and rap some paper to it and paint it and keep it till it is dry now your bow and arrow is ready. Enjoy!

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12y ago

you find a thick and sturdy stick and make sure it has little hooks ( u can maby put hooks on it but i don't think it will work) were u can make the string. tie a few rubber bands together ( depending on how large or small the stick is) and put it on the hooks. Now u have a bow. Then find a stick a straight as u can get it and break it up so it is a good size 4 u. Make sure the stick has a little hook as well. U can make a whole sheath of arrows if u want! Now u have an arrow(s). :)

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11y ago

Archery is a sport of shooting a bow and arrow. To draw an arrow in your bow pick up the bow and put it position lining up the bow with shoulder and your chin. Then insert your arrow aim and shoot.

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13y ago

you take your strings and cross them them , then make 2 bunny ears have one bunny ear go down a hole then pull all done

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