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Mathews SoloCam bows have 10 pound weight reduction range from your Bow's peak weight (example : if your bow has peak weight of 70 pounds, you can adjust it as low as 60 pounds).Draw weight adjustments are made using either a 3/16" or 7/32" Allen wrench. Turn the limb bolt clockwise to increase the draw weight and counterclockwise to decrease the weight. Each rotation is equivalent to 2 to 4 pounds of draw weight. It is very important to adjust the limb bolts equally but do not exceed 5 full turns out from maximum draw weight.

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12y ago
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13y ago

My bow shows the peak weight is 65, and I'm a medium-sized woman who just started Archery so I need to know if I can lower it. I tried so hard to pull the string that thought I was either going to snap it or tear a muscle! It won't budge. It's a Bear Whitetail II 2 compound hunting bow. Thank you so much for any help!!! =)

Question, did you purchase your bow from a dealer or private party. If it was a dealer I wonder why{ he} or she didn't set you up. I am a beginner and when I bought my bow they set my draw length and draw weight. If you bought from a private party try a dealer and I'm sure they would be glad to adjust your draw weight.

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13y ago

Their are two Allen bolts on each end of the riser connecting the limbs. These adjustment bolts turn clockwise to add weight to the bow and counter-clockwise to reduce the weight. Be cautious when reducing weight not to back them out too much and release the limbs!

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13y ago

On all the compound bows i have seen the draw weight is adjusted at the at the base of the limbs by a hex key

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15y ago

adjust the screws on the bottom with a hex key

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14y ago

i do not treaaly know, but you can reinforce it with something

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13y ago

There are Allen screws on the limbs. tighten to increase draw weight.

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13y ago

I think that if you are using a compound bow that you can tell by one of the wheels on the bow. there are different settings that you can chose from.

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12y ago

with an Aalen wrinch and fish scale

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The draw weight is adjusted by tightening or loosining the screws that hold the limbs in their pockets attached to the riser.

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The draw weight should be marked on the bow. You cannot go any higher than the marked draw weight unless your bow has removable limbs, then you could buy limbs with a higher draw weight. You will ruin the bow if you use it with a higher draw rate.

How do you draw a eagle?

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Limb bolts are small components on a compound bow that are used to adjust the amount of draw weight. By tightening or loosening the limb bolts, the tension in the limbs is altered, which in turn changes the draw weight of the bow.

How do you Draw an Eagle?

A head and a beak

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it has a weight lock on it to adjust the poundage you must unscrew the lock then tighten with the desired alan wrench

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30" is not a draw weight, it is a draw length. It is the length of the draw from the bow to the string when the bow is drawn.

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What bows can you adjust the draw length without a bow press?

****Answers**** Every bow you should be able to adjust that.

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Draw weight is the power the arrow is loosed at. Bows with more draw weight like long bows require very strong people to handle. The better the draw weight the further/harder the arrow flies eg: Arrows peircing chainmail... Hope this was the answere you were looking for. Enjoy...

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