I am a Water Safety Instructor, so we do this stuff all the time in Parent-Child Aquatics. :]
Little kids and babies love it if you sing to them while you two are in the water. It helps them become more comfortable with their surroundings. You can use any children's song really, but some favorites are Motorboat, The Wheels on the Bus, and Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
For Motorboat, you can float your child in a circle, and sing
Motorboat, motorboat, go so slow
Motorboat, motorboat go so fast
Motorboat, motorboat step on the gas!
Vroom! (at this part, you speed up!)
I like using Twinkle Little Star while teaching kids how to float on their backs, because a "star" position makes it easiest to float. Have your child sing along while you support him or her.
For games, kids learning how to go underwater or blow bubbles for the first time, can "talk to the fishies." You can pretend both of you are talking to a whale or some sort of sea creature that only understands bubble speech. Or you could play Simon Says (Simon says put your bellybutton in the water!) The little kids on my swim team love that game. :] Another fun game is Red Light, Green Light. Your child can either sit on the side or be in the water for this game. When you say "green light!" he or she starts hard flutter kicking. "Red light!" means stop, and "yellow light!" means slow, easy kicks. Brightly colored floaty toys are also nice to have. Little ones who are still wary of the water find it easier to get in if there are toys in the water too.
Those are just a few activities you can do with your child. For more, it might be useful to join a Parent-Child Aquatics class at your local YMCA or public pool, or you can make up your own!
The Song you pick must have a good strong rythm. Songs that you can count to are the key. When I pick my songs I look for songs with sharp lyrics by sharp I mean quick and not flowey. Good luck finding songs!
Most Scooter songs
The Vogues Sing the Good Old Songs was created in 1965.
alesana do some good love songs
all the good songs out at the minute by CRAIG
The Song you pick must have a good strong rythm. Songs that you can count to are the key. When I pick my songs I look for songs with sharp lyrics by sharp I mean quick and not flowey. Good luck finding songs!
softball, football, baseball, swimming, volleyball and soccer.
There are several water-based games that will be a good cardio workout, such as swimming. Alternatively, try games such as waterpolo or water aerobics.
Radioactive by imagine dragons
some good water are water polo just splashing about in the swimming pool water bombs are the best one of the ever. try them they are good games for hot days.
The most popular pool games are basketball and volleyball.You can also get the Pool Toss football throwing game and
The Sing a lot of songs. Some of them are RUBBISH and some of the are GOOD. The play games on their I-Pad.
Some popular games to play in the sea are scuba diving, swimming, and surfing. These games are games that can only be played in the water. So these would be fun and good to play in the sea.
They don't moron, if you're a parent, be a good one and don't buy them games that are labeled adult only
YES! He is good at swimming and I saw him swim.
The ones that their parent/guardians sing to them - u see it will help them communicate well with their parents in the future coz giving attention 2 ur kids is good thing.
Swimming is good but only if you can swim. Swimming is good but only if you can swim.