They used axes, bow and arrows, spears, and knives.
At its most simple you ned a bow, arrows and a target. For safety reasons you also need to join an archery club where you will be insured against possible harm or damage to other people.
Archery is the sport of shooting at a target or hunting animals with a bow and arrow.
Depends upon the bow itself, I regularly use a Les Howis Marksman Imperial and that cost my father in the 1990's about £1000 for the full set of bow, arrows and all the other attachments.
Nobody exactly knows because it was probably invented before the first accurate records of time. The oldest verified bow ever found was dug up from a peat bog in Denmark. It was carbon dated as being eight thousand years old. So, the inventor of the bow and arrow could have been Danish.
Spears, bow and arrows, swords ect
Guns and bow and arrows.
digging sticks, guns and bow and arrows
they used bow and arrows and wooden clubs and weapons made of bones.
they defended themselves with bow and arrows spears and guns
Bow and Arrows, Guns, and Knives.
they defended themselves with bow and arrows spears and guns
They kill animal with guns bow arrows knife ax
pistols and guns and knives and bow and arrows
they used spears,axes,bow and arrows,and knives and guns when the europeans arrived in america but they prefer the bow and arrow because they could make it and its ammo the gun on the other hand had to trade for ammo and gunpowder but gunpowder weapons were more powerful and had longer range then the bow and arrows.
There are some tools that use for hunting in France they are following. Mounted arrows. Hunting bow arrows. Flèche Carbone. Wooden arrows. Archery shafts. Stick-on arrowheads. Arrowheads for wooden shafts. Broadheads and fishing blades.
Hello fellow MineCraftian. 1. IF you CONSIDER Bow and Arrows in MineCraft "Guns", then yes 2. IF you DON'T, then you need to download mods that have the gun thing in order to get them.