Depends on the bow. A compound bow has dials which you can use to either tighten of loosen it. Recurves and longbows are impossible to loosen;(
At its most simple you ned a bow, arrows and a target. For safety reasons you also need to join an archery club where you will be insured against possible harm or damage to other people.
Crossbows are usually a higher draw weight because a person of the same strength can wield a stronger crossbow because they can use legs as well as arms when bracing a crossbow, wheras a bow uses only the arms to draw.
the bow that most professional hunters use is a Bow-Tech. the best bow is Bow-Tech.
No. Use rosin to care for the bow, not wax.
a bow, a few arrows, a wrist guard, some use a shooting glove but this is optional, a target, and somewhere where you wont kill people=-)
It depends on the bow, some people use this method so it does not cut their fingers (bow string) this is important for a compound. But the main reason is that it stops the archer from cutting her/his fingers
It depends on what style of shooting you want to do. If you want to go compound, which is the faster bow which is used for target shooting and hunting, then I have a Hoyt which I absolutely LOVE! And I use carbon fat boy arrows with fledglings for compititions, but regular carbon arrows are good starter arrows. As for recurve, my friend also has a Hoyt brand which they really like! They have carbon arrows with feathers.
It is best to use a compound bow when hunting big game animals like deer or turkey, because of the speed and power of the compound bow. You will get a much faster and cleaner shot.
Hunting, target shooting, collecting,
You can use a compound bow.
"Yes. Hunter safety courses are a requirement before getting a liscense and a liscense is required to hunt". I think a more complete question was needed so let me answewr it to cover all aspects of bow shooting. To be able to shoot a bow lets say for target shooting, then the answer is no, but to be able to use the bow for hunting then yes, a Hunters Saftey Class would be required where you usually recieve a certificate of completion after a final exam, where in most states the pass score is 75% or more.
Sports, self defense, hunting, target shooting, collecting
yes- for target shooting, hunting and, sometimes warfare
if you are just target shooting then yes, but if there is anouther person shooting at you, then WEAR A MASK!! protect your eyes.
Reasons vary, but when I was a teen, I used them for target shooting because they are fun.
Hunting, target shooting, military, defense, offense, collecting