There are laws concerning everything; there are laws concerning smoking cigarettes; talking (airports & schools for example); riding in the back of pick up trucks; just going for a drive on a beautiful day (termed cruising, illegal in some cities & counties); there are laws against swimming; skate boarding. You name it...there's more than likely a LAW addressing it! Number 2: 50 states means 50 different laws. What's legal in Texas or Ohio is probably illegal in Pennsylvania or Florida. Study your state's laws!
can you hunt with a bow and arrow if you have a felony
Placing an arrow against the bow string is notching the arrow, and pulling the bow string back ready to release the arrow is drawing the bow.
That is how you attach an arrow to the bow.
um....sniper bow? um....sniper bow?
No, it is not.
They sure can
i know a law but it is dumb u cant fish with a bow and arrow. peace out.
No, Athena is not typically depicted with bow and arrow. Bow and arrow are most often depicted with Artemis.
it is the stick and the string that shoots the arrow
to Bullet.
what kind of symple machine is a bow and arrow
Sorry there is no bow and arrow on the Isle of Gust because I just beat it a while ago theirs no bow and arrow
IT is fishing but with a bow and arrow see you tie the arrow with some string to your bow and shot the fish the the arrow.
You can unless the court has imposed some sort of restriction saying otherwise.
Cupid is often depicted carrying a bow and arrow, which he uses to shoot people with love-inducing arrows.
can you hunt with a bow and arrow if you have a felony
they saw a bow and they saw and arrow and decided to shoot it