probably because that's how many points he has scored his entire career haha it's a joke people but seriosly it probably symbolisis his favorite number or something of that matter.
Yellow jersey in french is "maillot jaune"
On the Jersey Shore, the name of Snooki's stuffed animal crocodile is Crocodilly.
In Seaside it's The Shore Store
ichiro suzuki
the answer is seungchan or shaynanay
yao ming
The state of New Jersey didn't have a much different name when it was first name. Back then, it was known as the Settlement of New Jersey.
The New Jersey Gazette.
Chicago Cardinals
He had his first name on his Jersey in the Japanese Baseball league so the MLB let him keep it on.
The only NBA player to have his first and last name on his jersey is Pervis Ellison.
In Ichiro Suzuki's country, one's first name is considered their family name or surname, so Suzuki is his personal name. Following our tradition of putting the family name/ surname on the jersey, like Ramirez or Smoltz, he put Ichiro on his jersey.
Wahoo Mcdaniel