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Q: Why is lane 1 left empty on the athletics track?
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How many people are there in a 100 meter sprint?

The number of people in a 100 meter sprint varies dependant upon the competition itself. On a training, high school, or college running track there are 8 lanes. Thus during a heat of the 100 meter sprint, there may be up to 8 people running at one time. On an Olympic or professional track there are 9 lanes, though often one lane is left empty during competition. Of course in either situation, there may be numerous heats, which leaves the total number of people competing dependant upon the parameters of that specific competition, or the number of athletes entered in the competition.

Which lane of the road is used for driving in South Africa?

In South Africa, they drive on the left-hand side of the road.

Why do foot print tracks left by astronauts stay on the moon?

No wind, rain, or people to disturb them, just empty space.

Is it typical for runners in a relay to pass the baton across their bodies as the US runners attempted in the 4x100?

It is typical for runners on the bend to carry the baton in their right hand and run on the inside of the lane and for the straight runners to run on the outside with the baton in their left hand. This means that the baton stays in the middle of the lane but does not have to come across the body.

Can a recently retiled pool be left empty during the winter and full in the summer or will it damage materials?

No. Do not leave you pool empty during the winter. Numerous problems are caued by draining the pool and leaving it empty. The best way I can think of to answer your question is with this "Disclaimer" we have to use. DRAIN AND ACID WASH DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT (Rev. 11/04) DRAINING AND/OR ACID WASH TREATMENT OF A SWIMMING POOL

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When turning left from a three lane one-way street which lane should you turn from?

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If the left lane is ending, and merging into the right lane, then the car already in the right lane has right of way.

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What is the difference between a shared left turn lane and a left turn lane?

A shared left lane is used to turn left by both directions of traffic. A regular left lane is only used by one direction flow of traffic

Why do some people who drive a car stay in the left lane?

The left lane is supposed to be the fast lane. If you want to drive faster, then use the left lane. Traditionally it is ment to be the passing lane. If you want to pass someone driving slowly in the right lane, then pass them using the left lane, and get back over to the right lane until you need to pass someone else. However, you should not sit in the left lane driving slowly. It is ment to be a passing lane and if you sit out in the left lane, it will make others unhappy! I hope this helped!

Which lane is the fast lane?

Generally the lane closest to the center divider. Lanes are numbered from the left most lane on the side of the road you are on. Such as number one lane, the left most lane , is generally considered the fast lane.

Lane 1 on a five lane freeway is?

The left most lane

Is a left turn lane only for one direction?

If the lane is specifically marked as a Left Turn Only lane then yes.

What is the left lane of a three lane motorway used for?

passing and making left turns

Can you legally drive in the left lane in Florida?

On a four lane road you may drive in the left lane if you are passing a car in the right lane or, if you are moving at the prevailing speed of other traffic in that lane.

What does nearside lane mean?

Left side lane

Which is the inside lane when driving on the highway?

Its according to which side of the highway your entering from...If entering from the left side of road then the left side is the inside lane.....if entering from right side then the right lane is the inside lane.....