While other animals compete for resources and mates, only humans play games. To establish and follow the rules of a game requires a sophistication of thought that only humans have.
Dodge the mosquito
The PS3 slim and most of the fat PS3s do not play PS2 games and there is nothing that will change that. If you do not have a PS3 with a Card reader and 4 USB ports you will never be able to play PS2 games on it, except the few PS2 games sold at the Playstation store and already converted into PS3 games
Well you play games i mean all the games and finish each of it then you go to your room or especially the example:Cheetah-African SavannahRemora-ocean
The whole world has PS3 so you should be able to no matter where you go.Yes, but you cannot play Canadian games on a South African PS3 or play South African games on a Canadian PS3 because of the difference between PAL (used in South Africa) and NTSC (used in Canada). However as televisions are PAL/NTSC neutral, it should not prove a problem to connect a PS3 from one country to a television in the other.
Depends on which African country you're referring to. Africa is a continent, not a country.
why does a african animals play game
they dont play games they play with each other
i dont know i asked the question?
dont play them.
no they dont
They are not supposed to play they are not legal
PS3 games are supposed to be region free
dont ask me i dont know!!!!!!!>:(
no they dont just play and have fun you will get no virus.
you dont play games you go to clubhouses!
i dont now your spoust to awnser it
Not if you dont play to much!