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Baltimore is in Maryland and it owned the

Colts name from 1953 to 1983.Bob Irsay bought the Colts in 1972 ad then slithered out out of Baltimore in the middle of the night with all the trophies and everything to do with the Colts and moved the team to Indianapolis in January 1984.He will never be forgiven.The people of Maryland do not hate the Indianapolis Colts,but Bob Irsay.

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Q: Why does Maryland hate Colts?
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i hate u

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15 trucks from Mayflower went to the Colts' training complex in Maryland around 2 AM on March 29, 1984 and workers began loading all of the team's belongings on them. By mid morning the trucks were gone and so were the Colts.

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the Colts got their franchise start in Baltimore...which is the source of the hatred of the Indianaplois Colts by the state of Maryland. they are still angry over the move of the Colts from Baltimore to Indianapolis in the dark of night w/o so much as a word tothe fans until the deal was done and the move was complete

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matter of opion i would say Peyton casue im a colts fan and hate the patriots