I don't, and I don't know anyone who does. Two options come to mind:
1) you've gotten caught up in the hydration craze, and is drinking more than you need while exercising, which cause you to pee a lot.
2) You're not getting along with your saddle, and the chafing/pressure in the groin gets misinterpreted as needing to pee.
its not.
You save mira in the Wayard cave on the the entrance you can see so on the right of the cycling road
Yes, Pee Wee Herman in his gay movie
samar saif is the answer to that she did a samar saif origanal, I like buildabears and i srisha and theresa but they will probaly not see this so i say they both smell like pee. samar saif is the answer to that she did a samar saif origanal, I like buildabears and i srisha and theresa but they will probaly not see this so i say they both smell like pee. samar saif is the answer to that she did a samar saif origanal, I like buildabears and i srisha and theresa but they will probaly not see this so i say they both smell like pee.
By annoying the other side so much they decide to give up.
Its because whatevever happened to the babby, it affected your bladder, so ur going to be that for a while
You can pee while wearing a coconut bra. If you are asking whether it is possible to urinate into a coconut bra, that is also possible but much easier with larger coconuts and if you are a male.
when you pee your pants and your pants split because there is so much pee
when you pee your pants and your pants split because there is so much pee
If you pee and you twitch after or while your peeing it's very natural to because think about it, when your cold you have to shake (also know as (twitching)). So when you pee it's warm so when while your peeing (or after peeing) the warmth is going bye bye and that brings in cold. So your body reflexes to the coldness.
possible diabetis
Well, with cycling you have more opportunities to fall than while walking, so it probably generates a few more injuries.
because they have small bladders
Yes I think so cuz I myself pee a lot. Yes I think so cuz I myself pee a lot.
Depending on your age, you could have a urinary infection or urinary stress incontinence. Get a urinalysis or clean catch urine done at the doctor's.
It's so we can pee. That's pretty much it.
You are too drunk to wake up when you need to pee.