Lance Armstrong, but he has then been stripped of his titles due to doping.
Lance Armstrong (from 1999-2005 he won them all)
American cancer survivor Lance Armstrong set a record when he won 7 Tour de France, from 1999-2005.He always won while riding a Trek brand bicycle and riding for the US Postal Service (USPS) first and then later the Discovery Channel.He has now been stripped of his titles and the record, due to the compelling evidence and his eventual confession to the systematic use of illegal performance enhancing drugs.Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France every year from 1999 to 2005.Seven consecutive wins.
Albert Contador won the last Tour De France in 2009.
American cancer survivor Lance Armstrong set a record when he won 7 Tour de France, from 1999-2005.He has now been stripped of his titles and the record, due to the compelling evidence and his eventual confession to the systematic use of illegal performance enhancing drugs.
Georges Speicher from France won the race
Lance Armstrong (from 1999-2005 he won them all)
AnswerLance Armstrong
American cancer survivor Lance Armstrong set a record when he won 7 Tour de France, from 1999-2005.He always won while riding a Trek brand bicycle and riding for the US Postal Service (USPS) first and then later the Discovery Channel.He has now been stripped of his titles and the record, due to the compelling evidence and his eventual confession to the systematic use of illegal performance enhancing drugs.Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France every year from 1999 to 2005.Seven consecutive wins.
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong from USA won the race
Lance Armstrong from USA won the race
bradley wiggins won the tour de france
André Leducq, France, won the 1932 Tour de France
Albert Contador won the last Tour De France in 2009.
Rene Pottier won the 1906 Tour de France.
Maurice Gauring won the 1904 Tour de France.
Lucien Petit-Breton won the 1907 Tour de France