George Fox, former coach and history teacher at Everett High School
Magic City High School
Coach Peoples
Dan Wall, Independence Community College coach based on the movie but is now coaching at Field Kindley High School in Coffeyville, Kansas
Bart Johnson
Michael Jordan's high school coach was Fred Lynch at Laney High School in Wilmington NC.
coach pugiless coach pastar coach baldo
yes he can
While basketball player was in High School is first coach was Jim Jones. Later Jones left to coach elsewhere.
The average high school hockey coach in Canada (private school) $4700 The average high school hockey coach in Canada (public school) $900 The average high school hockey coach in America (private school) $7100 The average high school hockey coach in America (public school) $3800
Coach Fox
Magic City High School
Everett High School
USA Today High School Football Coach of the Year was created in 1982.
USA Today High School Baseball Coach of the Year was created in 1989.
Reagan County High School in Texas
Maryvale High School