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He's Confucious. Kung Fu Tzu is his original name while Confucious is the westernized version of his name.

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Is it Kung Fu-tse or Kung Futse?

It is Kung fu-tzu or Kung fu-tse. The modern and more widely used romanization variant is Kong Fuzi.

Who began the religion Confucianism?

Kung Fu Tzu

What is Confucianism based on?

It is based on the writings and philosophy of Confucius (Kung-fu-tzu)

Do pandas know Kung Fu?

Pandas know kung fu only in the Kung Fu Pandauniverse.

What is real Kung Fu?

Kung fu comes from China. Shaolin monks teach real kung fu there.

When was My Kung Fu created?

My Kung Fu was created in 2004.

What is the name pos Kung Fu gang?

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Who loves Kung Fu movies?

I love kung fu movies!

What was the name of the 80's KUNG FU tv show?

The only old tv show I know of that featured kung fu was, in fact, Kung Fu, starring David Carridine.

What is the forerunner of kung-fu?

Some think the oldest for of Kung Fu is called Sua Chao (sp?) a Mongolian form of kung fu.

Siddhartha gautama was 1 a king 2 a follower of kung-fu-tzu 3 a prince 4 born a beggar?

He was a prince nvm thanks anyways