It's The Ramones from their song "Blitzkrieg Bop" ; see related link below .
come on ... dont be blue, frankinstien was ugly to, alright, lets go, alright, lets go. If you think you up a class you can shove it up your .. skirt , alright, lets go, alright, lets go. Strawbeery Vanilla Banana split we think you team plays like.. shift to the right shift to the left .. come on __ do your best
The Anna doll (not an actual Barbie) sings the song "For The First Time In Forever." The Elsa doll sings "Let It Go."
Yes, they are different people. Idina Menzel sings "Let it Go" in the movie, and Demi Lovato sings the credits version.
The Flower-Pot Men (1967)
he really doesnt sing it, but it is Darrell Waltrip Toby Lightman sings the song Let's Go Racing Boys! for the 2008 NASCAR season. Toby is a Cherry Hill NJ native & currently live in NYC. Great singer!!! check out her website ( & MySpace.
Robin sparkles
i think your thinking of the song lets go riot lets go
Sigh...the cat in the hat
The Ramones
Toby Lightman sings the song
allons faire la course.
¡Vamos a correr, chicos!
Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson
I remembered its helllo by the potbellez
think its Max Wall.