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Vice Vaughn

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Q: Who plays peter in dodgeball?
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Musical plays or films about fitness gyms?

'Dodgeball' :D

How one plays Dr Dodgeball?

Type your answer here...idk

Who plays peter in chronicals of Narnia?

Peter Pevensie plays peter in chronicals of narnia!

Was Jim Carrey in dodgeball?

No, he was not in Dodgeball

A old dodgeball player?

There are no legitimate professional dodgeball players.

How do you play Prison Dodgeball?

its a simple answer really..........there is no prison dodgeball

What instrument does Perfect Peter in Horrid Henry play?

Perfect Peter plays the cello in Horrid Henry.

Who plays peter in angus thongs and perfect snogging?

Liam Hess plays Peter Dyer in that movie :)

Who plays peter stone in degrassi the next generation?

Jamie Johnston plays Peter Stone in "Degrassi."

Who played the romanian dodgeball player Fran in the movie dodgeball?

Missi Pyle

What is the perimeter of a dodgeball pitch?

The Dodgeball pitch is the same size of a basketball court.

When was National Dodgeball League created?

National Dodgeball League was created in 2004.