in 1983 the Arjuna award went to Ms. D. Edulji. She became the first Indian women cricketer to win the Arjuna Award.after that mithali raj has also won the arjuna award.
The first African-American male to win an Academy Award was Sidney Poitier, who won the Best Actor Oscar in 1963 for his role in Lilies in the Field.
Ursula Andress
25 years old....he is 45 years older than her
The winners of the 1st annual WikiAnswers Awards (a.k.a. "The WAmmys") were announced on January 30th, 2007. The winners and runners-up are as follows: * Most Answers (the Know-It-All Award - based on major changes only) Winner - Brave3Honorable Mention - Dlmick * Most Contributions (the Good Samaritan Award) Winner - DlmickHonorable Mention - Brave3 * Most Trust Points (the In You We Trust Award) Winner - RoyRHonorable Mention - Clay * Most Vandals Blocked (the Crime Stopper Award) Winner - GandertonHonorable Mention - Dlmick * Most Category Changes (the Neat Freak Award) Winner - KsmailHonorable Mention - An8thg * Most Questions Improved (the Eye for Detail Award) Winner - DebHonorable Mention - Dlmick * Most Active New Supervisor (the Rookie of the Year Award - most contributions by a Supervisor who joined within the last six months) Winner - An8thgHonorable Mention - HisPowr4u * Answer of the Year Winner - Joe HepperleHonorable Mention - QuirkyQuantumMechanicHonorable Mention - Schnazola * Funniest Answer Winner - Schnazola Honorable Mention - ZemHonorable Mention - An8thg * Funniest Question Winner - BuxtonpHonorable Mention - (Anonymous)Honorable Mention - (Anonymous) * Lifetime Achievement Award Winner - ChrisHonorable Mention - Neila222Honorable Mention - Marcy * Rising Star Award (best contributions by a Supervisor who joined within the last six months) Winner - LauraFrogHonorable Mention - EvilTechieHonorable Mention - HisPowr4u * Best Contributor in a Supporting Role (Supervisor who has done the most to help out fellow Supers) Winner - DebHonorable Mention - KsmailHonorable Mention - Brave3 * Best Advice Answer Winner - SapphireMoonHonorable Mention - MarcyHonorable Mention - Getacar * Best How-To Answer Winner - An8thgHonorable Mention - TopSavings.netHonorable Mention - Mina1 * Best Researched Answer Winner - RosencrantzHonorable Mention - JonceyHonorable Mention - USCitizen
Picket Fences, for some reason, considering the show won the award the previous year and the four superior other shows in the category were: Star Trek: The Next Generation (final, 7th season), NYPD Blue (1st season), Law & Order and Northern Exposure!
Manish Pandey
Lala Amarnath was the first Indian cricketer to score century in Tests. Kapil Dev was the first Indian cricketer to score a century in ODI.
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar
When you win a 1st place award for one of your animals Marabelle will give you a wonderful.This will not happen on your first 1st place award.
My 1st Time - 2008 Nominated for an Academy Award was released on: USA: 28 February 2009 (Los Angeles, California)
I'm pretty sure it was 15
V. S. Khandekar
You need to finish in a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.