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Q: Who is Dr Laura berman married to?
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Laura Berman is the host of what show?

Doctor Laura Berman is a host on a radio show entitled The Oprah Show. There are two ways in which one could listen to her shows, these are on the radio and on the internet.

What other characters are in Dr Oz?

Other characters in Dr. Oz, besides Dr. Oz himself, are Devin Alexander, Laura Berman, Lisa Lillien, and Anthony Youn. Any other characters have only made less that 4 appearances on the show.

Is Laura Trott married?

Laura Trott OBE is not married.

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Laura Allen Laura Allen

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There actually isn't a Dr. Bergmen, but there is a Dr. Berman and he's played by Kale Browne:

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Laura married Almanzo on August 25, 1885

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The cast of Sexual Healing - 2006 includes: Laura Berman as Herself - Host and Executive Producer

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Yes, George W. Bush married to Laura Welch in November 5, 1977

On Surface Dr Laura Daughtery is?

A marine biologist