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Currently, it's difficult to say. There are many talented 8 & 9 ball players in Canada such as Jason Klatt, Tyler Edey, Johnny Morra & Alain Martel to name a few.

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Q: Who is Canada's best pool player?
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Who is the best pool player?

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The best pool player in the world depends upon what year and what game, and what you use to determine "best". The best female pool player in the world for all time has been agreed by many to be Jean Baluska. The best male pool player in the world of all time is argued - in the era of 1820, there is no question it was Francois Mignaud; in the 1950's, there is also no question it was Willie Mosconi; in 2011, the best 9 ball player is recognized as Efren Reyes.

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The greatest pool player in the world is a debatable topic. However, it is commonly thought that Edward Ralph Greenleaf was the greatest pool player to ever live.

Do you lose if you sink your ball then the 8 black ball?

I believe so but I am not the best pool player...

What must a pool player have?

There is nothing mandatory for a pool player that he/she must have.

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canadas national fish is cod and salmon................................................thats wat i think how bout u

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The best pool construction company are oceans pool they are the best in the world.

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tropical fruit