There is no accessible record for the single longest of any Cleveland Indian Major League game. However, on April 5th, 2012, the longest opening day game for any team was played between the Blue Jays and the Indians, lasting 5 hours and 14 minutes across 16 innings.
Sandy Alomar, Jr. 1997 30 (see Note at the botom of the page)
Bill Bradley 1902 29
Joe Jackson 1911 28
Hal Trosky 1936 28
Dale Mitchell 1953 27
Harry Bay 1902 26
Matt Williams 1997 24
Charlie Jamieson 1923 23
Tris Speaker 1923 23
Dale Mitchell 1951 23
Ray Fosse 1970 23
Mike Hargrove 1980 23
Johnny Hodapp 1929 22
Dale Mitchell 1947 22
Al Smith 1956 22
John Romano 1961 22
Julio Franco 1988 22
Marty Cordova 2001 22
Nap Lajoie 1904 21
Odell Hale 1936 21
Dale Mitchell 1948 21
Larry Doby 1951 21
Dale Mitchell 1953 21
Albert Belle 1996 21
Joe Carter 1986 21
Julio Franco 1988 21
Nap Lajoie 1906 20
Earl Averll 1936 20
Joe Vosmik 1936 20
Al Rosen 1953 20
Vic Power 1960 20
Manny Ramirez 2000 20
Note: According to our research through the boxscores from the New York
Times, Nap Lajoie's 31-game consecutive hit streak in 1906 for the Cleveland
Indians was a 20-game streak as listed by various sources.
16+ innings against the bluejays, game is not over, 4/5/12 this is also the most innings played in any opener in the major league
the longest prime minister on earth does not belong to the Canadian history !
The Simpsons is the longest running cartoon in animated cartoon history .
the Longest Day, Schindler's List and Selma come to mind
9 as of 8/5/12
The longest Opening Day game in major league history was a 15-inning affair played at Cleveland Stadium on April 19, 1960. The Detroit Tigers defeated the Cleveland Indians 4-2.
Their longest home winning streak was 14 games
Joe DiMaggio
34 by Benito Santiago in 1987
Jason bartlett 19 games
33 by George Davis in 1893
Cleveland cavaliers 26
Joe Dimaggio 1941 56 straight games
Kosar to Slaughter most likely
The Cleveland Indians last won the world series in 1948