chad le clos lives in Pinetown in Durban ,South Africa (yes he's from Africa)
Chad le Clos was born on 1992-04-12.
le lit, les draps, la taie d'oreiller, la couverturela brosse � dents, le dentifrice, le savon, le gel-douche, la serviettele bol, la cafetière, la table, la cuillère, le couteau, la fourchette,les chaussures, le pantalon, la chemise, le pull, le manteau,le cartable, la trousse, les crayons, la gomme,le sac � main, le rouge � lèvres, le téléphone portable, le porte-monnaie, le porte-feuille, le chéquier, la carte de crédit,
Pepe le Pew .
Le Havre was created in 1517.
Le Freak was created in 1978.
Chad le Clos was born on 1992-04-12.
Go to the Olympics
I think in Durban, South Africa
Le Clos won the silver medal in the men's 200 m freestyle at the Rio 2016 Olympics.
The population of Fay-le-Clos is 153.
The area of Fay-le-Clos is 4,560,000.0 square meters.
Les clos de paililes
Moira Abernathy, Chad le Clos, and Jessica Roux are all South African swimmers. They were all part of the African Olympic swim team.