It definatly has to be the New York Yankees because it has won the most championships in the history of professional sports and baseball is Americas pastime so this team has been celebrated in past and present.
Yep its "One Grew Over the Kuno's Nest". "Team Ranma vs. The Legendary Phoenix" but most people think that's its an OVA episode
From what I've read so far, it seems like Robbie McEwen is in Team Katusha in the for this years (2009) Tour de France.
Scott Neidermayer was the captain of the Team Canada hockey team because he was the most experienced player on that team.
The Colts are a fairly good team as of 2009, when they made it to the Super Bowl for the second time in three years. Over the first decade of the 21st Century, they are among the most consistently successful teams, their record tarnished only by failures in the playoffs. They are the only team in NFL history to win at least 12 games in seven consecutive seasons (2003-2009).
philidilphia eagles
the Pittsburgh steelers
Notre Dame
Manchester United (LIVERPOOL NEVER WON THE PREMIERSHIP) United dominated the premiership since it started.
The most popular number over the past decade or so and most visible is the number 2 for the team captain, Derek Jeter. But over the years there have been many from Babe Ruth's #3 to Mickey Mantle's #7 and so on.
Philadelphia Eagles
It depends which league......
From the Atlanta Braves, the team he has managed for over 20 years.
No. If your team won the superbowl in 2009, you are not living in the past. If you team has won 6 super bowls, the statute of limitations is 15 years from the most recent win, or until another franchise wins seven.
University of Florida
The Baltimore Ravens
The San Antonio Spurs have the best winning percentage over the past 13 years out of the four major sports in the US.