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Emmitt Smith

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Q: Which ESPN analyst was fired for poor grammar?
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How do school get poor?

By poor teach grammar

At age nine what can you expect from your son?

Poor grammar.

What is the causes of market Liquidity?

poor grammar is the causes

Is it proper grammar to say me and you?

No, it is not proper grammar. The correct phrasing is "you and I."

What is my strength and weaknesses in grammar?

Based on the poor grammar in your question, I would say you have few to no strengths--and nothing but weaknesses.

Why was Abraham Lincoln shoot?

Because he had poor grammar skills.

Why no one asking you for an interview?

It might have to do with your poor grammar skills.

Is their a football manger with a first of second name you?

poor grammar.

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What that poor grammar question ask your?

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who?poor grammar

What is the effects of changing business environment on organization effectiveness?

Poor grammar.

How do you get fired from your job?

Show up late, be rude, do poor work..