India's first ever One-Day International cricket match took place on July 13, 1974, the twelfth such match to occur, during the 1974 Prudential Trophy. The match took place at Headingley, Leeds.
India played its first ODI in 1974, under the captaincy of Ajit Wadekar. India won its first ODI under the captaincy of Srinivasaraghavan Venkataraghavan in the 1975 Cricket World Cup, against East Africa.
He took 2 wickets in his first ODI match.
c Jayawardene b Muralitharan
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Where did the 1st ODI match was played in India?
In 1971
The first test match in Mohali was played from 10 December to 14 December, 1994 between India and West Indies and the first ODI was played in 22 November, 1193 between India and West Indies.
In 1974,India played its first ODI against England in captaincy of Ajit Vadekar
1983 in England and 2007 when they won the first ever T20 World cup
Sakib-Al-Hasan played his 1st ODI match on 6 August 2006 against Zimbabwe.
The New Zealand cricket team the Black Caps are hosting two cricket teams this season - India and Bangladesh. India will first arrive in New Zealand for a five-match Twenty20 series followed by a three-match ODI series. Bangladesh will then arrive in New Zealand for a three-match ODI series. India: Five-match T20 series and three-match ODI series Bangladesh: Three-match ODI series
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