Martial Arts do not have any specific point of origin. It is practiced worldwide, every culture has its own unique martial arts style. For example, The Chinese people are very notable for their internal styles such as Kung fu, Baquazhang,and wing chun. While Japanese people are notable for their hard styles such as karate, and jujitsu. However there are many styles to choose from such as capoiera which is an afro-brazilian style or savate a french style martial art based on kicking and striking. Most martial arts are rooted in India some way or another. Wing Chun and Baquazhang are styles of kung fu, kung fu is a term referring to all Chinese martial arts and jujitsu is a soft martial art.
kickboxing originated from Mauy thai and Mauy thai originated from ancient Muay Boran in Thailand and Cambodia in different variations during the time Angkor Wat a theravada buddhist temple(one of the nine wonders of the ancient world) was built haven't you seen Ong Bak Two? same time period more or less
karate is originated from Japan and as noticed similar to kickboxing comes from Thailand and gkr is none contact sport put kick boxing is contact
No the swan stance does not come from the Karate Kid. There is no swan stance. What you are probably thinking of is the Crane Stance that is used in the Karate Kid. It is actually seldom seen in karate and is a Kung fu stance.
when is karate kid 2 gonna come out
The movie Karate Kid comes out on June 11, 2010.
June 11, 2010
Karate means open hand, no weapons
No the swan stance does not come from the Karate Kid. There is no swan stance. What you are probably thinking of is the Crane Stance that is used in the Karate Kid. It is actually seldom seen in karate and is a Kung fu stance.
when is karate kid 2 gonna come out
The movie Karate Kid comes out on June 11, 2010.
The first one :The Karate Kid (1984) So it came out 1984
"The Karate Kid" 2010 has a release date of October 5, 2010 .
June 11, 2010
June 11th 2010
June 11, 2010
Shorinryu karate originated in Okinawa.
October 5
It came out on June 11, 2010