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Toys and bikes

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Q: What were inventions of the 1800s in china?
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Why was there a rush of inventions in the late 1800s?

because there just was that's why there was a rush of inventions in the late 1800s

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what are some there inventions in 1800s-1900s

What were china's inventions?

China's inventions were paper, n dats all i memeba

What are the inventions of early china-?

Some inventions of early China were the compass, row planting, the seed drill, and iron plows.

What three inventions changed farming in 1800s?

deees nuts

What were some of the American Inventions before the 1800s?

the air brake is one

Where were some American inventions of the early 1800s?

Burglar alarm-1852

Inventions of the 1600s to 1800s that helped westward expansion?

The Iphone 4

What are some revolutionary inventions made in the 1800s?

roller coaster dishwasher lightbulb

How did inventions of the late 1800s revolutionize society?

umm im not sure sorry

What were some of American inventions of the early 1800s?

paper clip motor cyles

When did gustavus swift invent his inventions?

Gustavas Swift invented in 1800s, If ThAt Is HiM lol