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6'7.5" - 6'8" (202 - 203cm)

Generally billed "A shade under 7 feet." - he has been billed 6'10" as Isaac Yankem, DDS by Jerry "the King" Lawler and Vince McMahon, with the occasional verbal references to 6'8" - 6'9" from Jim Ross. As the Fake Diesel he was also billed just under 7 feet and 6'8" - 6'9" by Jim Ross. PWI has listed him 6'7" and as the Unabomb and various other Indy gimmicks, he was also billed 6'9" - 6'10". Kane can be seen in a photo with Ben Roethlisberger who is 6'5", coming out approximately 3" taller. IMDB lists him as 6'8.5".

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Kane is 6'10 (same as undertaker)

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