A basket of goods and services worth one pound in the first quarter of 1924 would require $85.77 to buy in the first quarter of 2010. Inflation information for New Zealand can be found going back to 1862 at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand website.
No, the Maori were the first people to settle the islands we now call New Zealand.
Yes, the Maori are the original inhabitants of the islands we now call New Zealand.
The most popular New Zealand news sources include The New Zealand Herald, TVNZ, Scoop, Kidon, News Now, News Wealth, Radio NZ, Dominion Post, and The NZ Times.
The amount of people to be recorded living in New Zealand in 2010 June 17 is 4,789,542
The sport of Zorbing originated in the country of New Zealand. The sport has since caught on nationwide and can now be played or tried in many European and North American countries.
Empire is by now a obsolete term. New Zealand has never claimed an empire.
New Zealand is an English-speaking nation, so you would say "I'm home now."
They were born in Hastings, New Zealand but they now currently live in Napier, New Zealand
The motto of Church College of New Zealand is 'Build Now for Eternity'.
Australia and New Zealand celebrate Christmas in very similar ways.
The legendary explorer Kupe is generally considered to be the first Polynesian to discover the Islands now called New Zealand.
it takes about 3.5 hours from Samoa to New Zealand and i know this because im from Samoa and now i live in New Zealand
New Zealand!
The only way to track Santa is to use NORAD apparently he has been to Russia already and is now in new Zealand
A basket of goods and services worth one pound in the first quarter of 1924 would require $85.77 to buy in the first quarter of 2010. Inflation information for New Zealand can be found going back to 1862 at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand website.