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The Comanche Indians had several toys that they played with. The games they played were a hoop game, horse games, and just regular outside games like other children.

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What games did the Comanche tribe play?

the comanche indians played a basketball like game

What was the Comanche Indians?

They Comanche Indians lived in Lawton, Oklahoma

What was the Comanche Indians culture like?

The Comanche Indians culture was brutal

What was the Comanche Indians locations?

They Comanche Indians lived in Lawton, Oklahoma

What did Comanche Indians live in?

the comanche indians lived in the texas plains they lived in tps

What did Comanche Indians eat?

the Comanche Indians eat buffalo,berries,peanuts.

Did the Comanche Indians herd animals?

yes the Comanche Indians herded animals. :)

What are facts about the Comanche Indians?

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What did the Comanche Indians use painting for?

The Comanche Indians used painting to make their pottery colorful

What sport do Indians play?

they mostly are interested in soccer.....but some play baseball

Who were Comanche Indians?

The Comanche Indians were a tribe of native Americans from Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado.