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You ride on the same side as the cars and trucks do. The right side of the road

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Q: What side of the street do you ride on in Canada?
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The sidewalk??

What side of the street should you ride a bike?

you follow the same rule as if you were driving in a car

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yes you can ride it on a street

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it depends on if you have it licensed and have insurance on it.

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No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.

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on the street

Can you ride a horse along the side of the Trans Canada Highway if its for a fundraiser or nonprofit?

Yes if properly signed or slow moving designation

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You can NOT ride a dirt bike on any street in Las Vegas or in the county. You have to be 1000 feet from any street or building to ride one in the dirt.

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it is not street legel but you can ride it on the sidewalk.

Is it legal to ride a ATV on the street in MI?

NO! ATV's are not street legal.

Is it legal to drive a 47cc pocket bike on the side walk in Wisconsin and if of is how old do you have to be?

No. It is not legal to drive any kind of bicycle on the sidewalk. You must ride it on the street. You have to register it and be fourteen if you want to take it on the street.

Do you have to have a motorcycle license to ride in Canada?

Yes, a motorcycle requires a special licence. People from other countries that Canada recognizes drivers licences from can ride in Canada.