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At a well known corporation such as Mc Donald's the managers are instructed to start cutting crew members if the labor percent grows above 20% of revenue.

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Q: What percentage of gross revenue should payroll be?
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What should your profit be as a percentage of gross revenue?


What percentage of gross profit in an optometrist office should go to payroll?

15 to 30%

What is the difference between net and gross margin?

Gross margin is Gross income as a percentage of revenue. Net Margin is net income as a percentage of revenue.

What is the percentage of federal taxes withheld on gross income of 2442.31?

You should get the information from your employer payroll department if you really need to know the correct numbers or amount that should be deducted from your gross earnings

How do you calculate the Gross Profit Margin?

The Gross Profit Margin is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of Revenue. Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit/Revenue*100 [or] Gross Profit Margin = Revenue - (Cost of Sales)/Revenue*100 Cost of sales=it include all those expenses and income that will occur during manaufacturing and sales of goods and services

What percentage of gross revenue are allocated to administrative salaries in the service industry?

It depends.

What affects gross margin?

The Gross Margin, also known as the Gross Profit Margin, is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of the Revenue. It is calculated using the following: Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit/Revenue*100 Looking at the input variables of the equation, it is clear that the factors that would affect the Gross Profit Margin would be the Gross Profit and the Revenue. What affects Gross Profit and Revenue would be an endless topic of it's own.

What percentage of federal taxes are withheld from gross income?

Your employer payroll department would have to give you the correct percentage that they will be withholding for all of your federal taxes that they will be required to withhold from your gross income.

What is the allowable coal depletion percentage for 2009?

15 per cent net revenue or 100 per cent gross revenue

What is the difference between gross margin and net profit?

Gross Margin = (Gross Profit/Sales)*100 Gross Profit = Revenue - Cost of Sales Net Profit = Revenue - Expenses Or in words, the Gross Margin is an expression of the Gross Profit as a percentage of Sales, where the Gross Profit is Sales minus the Cost of Sales. The Net Profit, on the other hand, is Revenue minus ALL Expenses (including cost of sales).

What percentage of company's gross income should go towards advertising?

Most small businesses should allocate between 2 and 3 percent of revenue for advertising. That number should increase as the business grows.

Is gross revenue the same as revenue?
