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Q: What is the main sport in Finland men sports?
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What is the percentage of men that participate in sport?

90% of men play sports

Will women be as good as men at sports?

It depends on the sport and the person playing the sport.

What sport do men like?

all men like different sports so all of them

Are men in India encouraged to play sport?

Yes, they are. They want to play sports.

How much do men get playing professtional sports?

it really depends on what sport and how good they are...

Where can I find online reviews of men's sports watches?

This link will take you to a great website on sports watches. I read some reviews and they seem pretty legit. Good luck with your sport watches! http://men'

Is its fair that men get paid more to play sport than women at an elite level?

Yes, Men's sports bring in a LOT more money than womens sports.

What did women receive the same funding opportunities in schools and sports as men?

cause in the states woman have to have the same sport funding as men

Why doesn't female sport get shown on TV as much as Male sport?

for some reason they say female sports are far less important than men's go figure MEN AND THEIR EGOS

Does rebel sports have any Nike men's running shorts?

Rebel Sport is an Australian based sports retailer. They stock a broad range of sports apparel, including many different varieties of Nike men's running shorts.

Men only sports?

Ski jumping. I think thats the last mens only sport in the Olympics

Where can I find cheap running clothes for men?

A lot of sports shops have sport clothes for both men and women. Like Wal-Mart or sports check. Although sports check is a little pricier, their quality would probably be better.