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It could very well be Transfer Sans C Gauge.

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Q: What is the font for ESPN the magazine?
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When was ESPN The Magazine created?

ESPN The Magazine was created in 1998.

Is ESPN the magazine put out by the same company as the ESPN tv shows?

Yes, ESPN magazine is owned by the ESPN tv show, hence the name ESPN for both the tv show and magazine. The magazine gives articles in written form, rather than verbally like the tv show.

What font does Guitar Player Magazine use for its title?

Guitar Player Magazine uses the font Alba Super.

What is the title font for shout magazine in the UK?

The title font for Shout magazine in the UK is a custom-designed font that is unique to the publication. It was specifically created for the magazine to give it a distinct and recognizable look.

What is the font in mode magazine?

The font used in Mode Magazine is a bespoke custom font created specifically for the publication. It is not available for public use or download.

What font is used for the title of easyriders magazine?

The title of Easyriders magazine is typically displayed in a custom, hand-drawn typeface that is unique to the publication. It is not a standard font that can be found in font libraries.

What font is used for the title of People magazine?

cairo, a true type font

What is the title font for The Source Magazine?

The title font for The Source Magazine is custom-made and not publicly available. It was specifically designed for the magazine to give it a unique and recognizable look.

What is the best sport magazine for women readers?

The ESPN is the best sports magazine for both women and men to read. The ESPN magazine has over 9,000,000 copies sold already and is one of the go to magazines for sports.

What font is used for the title of delicious magazine?

The title of Delicious magazine appears to be in a custom font that is exclusive to the publication. It does not correspond to a standard font available for public use.

How often is a subscription to ESPN the magazine delivered?

ESPN the Magazine is published bi-weekly, which means it is delivered every two weeks to subscribers.

What font does mojo magazine use?
