The distance in Canada from Luton to Windsor is 3,738 air miles. That equals 6,015 kilometers or 3,248 nautical miles.
There are donkey shows in Windsor, Canada during the Windsor Fair Time. The show is during Labor Day weekend every year.
The driving distance from Bristol, Tennessee to Windsor, Ontario, Canada is 563 miles via I-77 N to US-35 N per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 9 hours and 7 minutes.
It depends on where in Canada to where in the United States. Windsor, Ontario, Canada, is right next to Detroit, Michigan, USA, for just one example, but it's a very long way from Newfoundland to Hawaii.
Windsor, Ontario The most southern city in Canada is Windsor, Ontario located on the Detroit River.
Windsor, the southernmost city in Canada, is south of Detroit.Many people do not realize that the map of Canada extends far southward in the Great Lakes region.
The driving distance from Toronto, ON, Canada to Windsor, ON, Canada is 229mi / 368.53km
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Windsor, Canada is: 240 miles / 386 km
The driving distance from Windsor, Canada to Niagara Falls, Canada is 231 miles / 372 km
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Windsor, Canada is: 240 miles / 386 km
120 miles
122 miles
The driving distance from Chicago, Illinois to Windsor, Canada is 289 miles / 465 km
The air distance from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, to St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, is 201 miles. That equals 323 kilometers or 174 nautical miles.
The air distance from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, to Edmonton, Alberta, Canad, is 1,597 miles. That equals 2,570 kilometers or 1,388 nautical miles.
The distance between Guelph, ON, Canada and Windsor, ON, Canada is 297km and will take about 3 Hours 14 Minutes to drive.
Windsor, Ontario, is 286 miles from Chicago.
The driving distance from Windsor, Ontario, Canada to Pickering, Ontario, Canada is 246.6 miles. The travel time is 3 hours 49 minutes to 3 hours 54 minutes.